Falaj Al Khatmeen
This historic 2,450 metre-long falaj is located in Barkat Al Mouz, Nizwa, and is famous for having a unique water distribution system and continuity of flow throughout the year. It’s fascinating to see how one of its channels passes through Al Radeeda fortress on its way to the farmlands.
Barkat Al Mouz, Nizwa
Falaj Al Malki
A momentous landmark located in Wilayat of Izki, and considered as one of the oldest irrigation systems in Oman, this beautiful attraction was named after Malik bin Faham Al Uzdi, and is known for covering large plantations and palm groves in that area.
Wilayat of Izki
Falaj Daris
Visit one of Dakhiliyah’s largest irrigation systems in Nizwa, stretched out to about 7,990 metres. A popular tourist destination, the falaj is famous for covering gigantic green spaces in the area, especially during the rains.
Falaj Daris, Nizwa
Falaj Al Mayassar
It is one of the oldest aflaj in Oman, located in Wilayat Al Rustaq. The rocky structured ancient-style water distribution system is a must-visit destination. Primarily used for irrigation and farming purposes by the locals.
Al Rustaq, Al Batinah
Falaj Al Jeela
This pure-water, mountainous falaj is located in Wilayat Sur and is named after its village of Jeela. Considered as the main source of water for the villagers, its channel is used for farm irrigation as well as other household purposes. Check out the lush farmlands that the place offers.
Al Jeela, Sur, Al Sharqiyah