Oman offers Iranian delegation investment opportunities

Business Friday 04/March/2016 19:12 PM
By: Times News Service
Oman offers Iranian delegation investment opportunities

Muscat: In cooperation with the Isfahan Science and Technology Town (ISTT), the Innovation Park Muscat (IPM), which is an initiative of The Research Council (TRC), received a delegation of Iranian investor representatives concerned with different research and development activities.
The first day of the visit started with a presentation delivered by Dr. Abdulbaqi bin Ali Al Khabouri, director of Science Parks at TRC.
The presentation highlighted the concept of science and technology parks, Innovation Park Muscat’s facilities and investment opportunities in key four areas of the project: energy, heath science, food and biotechnology, water and environment.
In his presentation, Al Khabouri focused on the investment opportunities available at IPM and explained how one can achieve investment and economic cooperation between the Sultanate and Iran.
With regards to the investment opportunities in the Sultanate in general and the benefits and elements of the work environment, Faisal bin Ali Al Hinai, head of Promotion and Industrial Investments Department at the Public Authority for Investment Promotion and Export Development (Ithraa), gave a presentation describing economic growth and urban development and the prosperity reflected in the tourism and advanced infrastructure of the Sultanate, especially in the past few years following the beginning of the Renaissance Age of Oman.
This was followed with a presentation by Faisal bin Ali Al Hinai, head of Industrial Investment Promotion at Ithraa.
He pointed out the reasons for investing in Oman, such as the ease of doing business and also listed some of the incentives Oman offers, such as a five-year tax exemption and 100 per cent foreign ownership in free zones.
He then highlighted the key investment areas in the Sultanate of Oman and the various economic clusters for the investors’ consideration.
Dr. Mohammad Javad Omidi, vice president, Technology Development at ISTT, who is from the Iranian side, addressed how one can build bridges of cooperation and open joint channels between Oman and Iran. He also stressed on the importance of exploiting the knowledge-based economy through IPM.
Special offers
The meeting also included presentation of a variety of special offers by Iranian companies are interested in investing in the Sultanate, in terms of their identities, nature of the activities they practice, in addition to explaining its economic feasibility and upcoming plans and potential.
The first day of the visit was concluded with taking the visiting delegation on a tour inside the corridors of IPM, looking through the divisions and contents of both the innovation building, visiting the entertainment centre and the workshops and manufacturing building, and finally concluding the visit with a stop at Sultan Qaboos University.