
Monday 18/December/2023 19:54 PM

More Omanis are coming out of retirement

THE NUMBER of Omanis who are now working past their retirement age is increasing every year as both men and women are discovering something new to keep them...

Sunday 03/December/2023 20:01 PM

Monday column: Tie a string on your heart

When you tie a string on your heart, it stops swinging like a pendulum and the rhythm moves in a moderate speed helping you to see all obstacles in your...

Sunday 03/December/2023 17:46 PM

‘You have to change your accent….!’

‘Sir, is there any problem with my accent?’ Recently, a student from a known school asked me this question. Surprisingly, I had to listen to the reasons...

Sunday 26/November/2023 20:59 PM

Should Oman introduce blended education?

Covid has left behind many positive experiences and one thing teachers have learned is that remote learning produced the best in students, both in basic and...

Sunday 19/November/2023 15:59 PM

Monday column: Midnight Chaos

I blame the congested urban life for many of our problems these days. We live uncomfortably close together divided by thin concrete walls. We may tolerate...