
Wednesday 13/January/2016 15:49 PM

The British threat to UK security

British Prime Minister David Cameron has lately begun to speak out about the importance of European Union membership for the United Kingdom’s security....

Wednesday 13/January/2016 15:13 PM

Why Ukraine no longer needs gas from Russia

Not so long ago, Russia could bend Ukraine to its will by threatening to cut off natural gas supplies. Now, Russia is offering discounts, but Ukraine is not...

Wednesday 13/January/2016 14:50 PM

Liberals, stop climate-change hectoring

Good news for climate advocates: Researchers have new clues about what's stopping the public from caring more about global warming. Bad news for climate...

Tuesday 12/January/2016 15:58 PM

No, China isn't doomed to a financial crash

Ever since the 2008 global financial crisis, pundits have tried to guess which country could set off the next implosion. Last week, China seemed to put...

Tuesday 12/January/2016 15:26 PM

The state of Barack Obama's union is booming

When President Barack Obama was elected in November 2008, the US economy was shrinking at a rate unmatched since World War II. In the seven years between...

Tuesday 12/January/2016 14:58 PM

Every cloud has a silver lining

While the Sultanate is working to take precautions against lower revenue from oil as a result of the decline in oil prices in the international market, by...