Play on Khalil Gibran all set to be held in Oman

Oman Sunday 24/April/2016 22:33 PM
By: Times News Service
Play on Khalil Gibran all set to be held in Oman

Muscat: Life and times of Khalil Gibran, will come alive on the stage at the Oman Auditorium of Al Bustan Palace, on May 4 and 5.
Rest Upon the Wind, a London West End play, inspired by Khalil Gibran’s life and written and directed by Nadim Sawalha, is the story of the struggle of the poet-artist to deliver the message of love and peace to his fellow human beings.
Rest Upon The Wind is inspired by Gibran’s most famous book, The Prophet.
Nadim Sawalha’s script celebrates the Arab sense of humour and family warmth through the Gibran’s relationship with his sister Marianna as they and their family all struggle to survive in America. According to the organisers, through its strong cast, the play reveals the struggle, conflict and passions surrounding the poet’s life.
It provides an insight into his environment and the people who have had a strong impact on his life, such as the strong female figures of Mary Haskell, his mentor, and his sister Marianna.
The play reflects the ups and downs in Gibran’s life as an immigrant poet/artist; the troubles and cruelties of his daily life that led him to seek the highest level of spirituality in his work.
“It is the story of his artistic and spiritual journey to deliver his message of love, peace, and unity and the story of those who helped him along the path,” one of the organisers said.
Profound self-discovery
A mix of drama, comedy and profound self-discovery, Gibran is an absolute ‘must see’, not only for Gibran fans, but for all those who are busy discovering their own spiritual journey.
With an original sound-score from award winning composer Jules Deering, this production boasts stunning visuals, music and electric performances from the six strong cast.
First staged in the West End of London at the Tristan Bates Theatre in 2011, ‘Rest Upon The Wind’ has been popular the world over with several shows in New York. In Dubai, the play was a sell-out for five consecutive nights.
Eleven original members of the play will be flying down from London, especially for the performance. Fanos Xenofós will essay the role of Gibran Khalil Gibran while Lara Sawalha will enact the character of Michelline.
Dina Mousawi plays Gibran’s sister Miryanna. Stephanie Ellyne portrays the role of Mary Elizabeth Haskell, who became a lifelong friend of Gibran.
Nabil Elouahabi, a versatile British Moroccan actor, dons the role of the Ottoman Ambassador and Zak Sawalha plays Salim, an Armenian steward in Boston.
‘Rest Upon the Wind’ is produced by Ali Matar and the NPA events is bringing the play to the Oman audience.